A Time Travelers Notebook by Author Holly Tucker

The New Yorker Reviews City of Light!

Apr 24, 2017 | Media, Reviews

The New Yorker Reviews City of Light, City of Poison

CITY OF LIGHT, CITY OF POISON, by Holly Tucker (Norton). In 1667, Louis XIV, hoping to reduce crime in Paris, created a law-enforcement position—the lieutenant general of police—with sweeping powers of surveillance and detention. Tucker’s history focusses on the first incumbent, Nicolas de la Reynie, who built up a network of informants and discovered more than he’d bargained for: an underground world of poisoners, witches, and chiromancers who were linked to a rash of deaths at Versailles and were plotting against the King . . .




  1. Sheila

    This is amazing! Powerful and exciting to read!

    • Holly Tucker

      Thanks so much!


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