A Time Travelers Notebook by Author Holly Tucker

Finished Books Arrive

by | Feb 10, 2017 | Behind the Scenes, Writing & Publishing

There are few things more MAGICAL than the day finished copies arrive.

Publishers distribute galleys (also called ARCs) in advance of the finished book for reviewers and the media several months before the finished copies go to press. But the day the REAL THING shows up on your doorstep…so exciting!



Receive regular updates from Holly with a behind-the-scenes look at life in France, research, and book publishing. In the lead-up to the release, Holly’s publisher will also be giving away copies of City of Light, City of Poison.

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Purchase City of Light, City of Poison

Purchase your copy of City of Light, City of Poison and get an exclusive gift pack for a limited time!

1.) Early access to chapters from City of Light, City of Poison, chosen just for folks who purchase early
2.) A Q&A with Holly: the Story Behind the Story
3.) A Personalized Bookplate to put in your copy of the book

Better yet: Support Independent Bookstores! Order from Parnassus Books and Holly will sign the book personally. (Be sure to include inscription instructions in the comments section of your order.)

General Contact Information

W.W. Norton LogoMedia Inquiries
Erin Lovett, Publicity Director
EMAIL | 212-790-4388

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